Programming and development

Python Leap Years 1 Min

Leap years in Python


Continue learning about Python programming: developing a leap year script. These are the steps.
Text To Speech With Python

Text to speech with Python


Today we are going to see how with a few simple lines of code we can convert text to an mp3 file and have it automatically played by our system.
Python 1 Scaled Recursion

Recursion in Python


In Python, recursive functions are those that, within their algorithm, refer to themselves. Find out all the details about them on our blog.
Python Csv

Script to create CSV file with Python


In this blog post we explain how to create a CSV file with Python.
How to Make Emojis with Python

Emojis with Python


Today, we teach you how to program emojis with Python in a simple way, since we all use emojis. Do not miss it!
How to Make Rock Paper Scissors in Python

“Rock, Paper, Scissors” with Python


Today we teach you how to make rock paper scissors in Python in a very simple way and with a very simple code. Forward!
Python Developer In Murcia Job Offers

Job offers in the ICT Area from August 27 to September 3

Python, Works in Cybersecurity


Python Developer in Murcia, Cybersecurity Technician in Madrid and more job offers. If you are looking for work in the ICT area, go ahead!
How to Schedule a Low Battery Notification in Windows Scaled

Low battery notification scheduled in Python


Let's see how to schedule a low battery notification in Windows using Python. It is very simple and we will use little code. Go ahead!
Python Application Convert Png To Jpg

Python app to convert PNG to JPG


Python application to convert PNG to JPG. It is a very simple code where through an interaction window we can select the PNG file and convert it to JPG by pressing a button.
Cybersecurity Technician in Granada

Job offers in the ICT Area from August 13 to August 20

Python, Works in Cybersecurity


The best job offers in the ICT Area, if you want to work as a Python Programmer or Cybersecurity Technician in Granada, look at this post!

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