EIP Team

We introduce you to those who are part of the EIP International Business School
The governing team is the strategic driving force of the organization, guiding with vision and leadership towards the achievement of objectives and sustainable growth.

Juan Antonio Jaen
- Graduate in Law from the University of Seville, Specialty Private Law.
- Master in Human Resources Management, Faculty of Psychology. Department of Social Psychology.

Antonio José Martínez Fernández
General Secretariat
- Graduate in Economics and Business Sciences, specialized in environment, renewable energies and economic viability of building projects

Jorge gonzalez
Vice Chancellor of Employment and Corporate Talent
Academic Team
We present to you the members of the academic team at EIP International Business School.

Alvaro Rebé
Teacher of subject: Energy efficiency
- Degree in computer engineering and mechanical engineering.
- Expert in energy efficiency and simulation.

Sebastian Fernandez
Teacher of subject: Calculation and Modeling of Facilities with CYPE in a BIM environment
- Industrial technical engineer at Comillas University
- Industrial engineer at University of Malaga
- Master Bim Manager

Jaime T. Ortiz
Teacher Master in Compliance and Data Protection Management
Information Security Project Manager at GETRONICS

Soraya Garran
Teacher of subject: Compliance programs in data protection and security. Impact evaluation.
Data Protection specialist at Radisson Hotel Group

Oscar J Labella
Teacher in Master's Degree in Compliance & Data Protection Management.
Data protection specialist at Gobertis.

Joaquin Puerta
Teacher of subjects: Introduction to accounting and analysis of intuitive balance sheets
Doctor of Law. Master Economic-Financial Management. Managing partner of Taimar CFF

Monica Lopez
Teacher in Master's Degree in Financial Management, Accounting and Management Control
Legal-Labor Advisor. Tax-Labor Partner at Vaudit Business Services SL

Alex Espinoza
Master's Professor in Financial Management, Accounting and Management Control
ROAC Account Auditor. Managing Partner at Vaudit Auditores SLP

Jose Manuel Arias
Master's Professor in Financial Management, Accounting and Management Control
ROAC Account Auditor. Bankruptcy Administrator. Judicial expert. Partner-Auditor at Vaudit Auditores SLP

Jose Antonio Rubio
Master's Professor in Financial Management, Accounting and Management Control
ROAC Account Auditor. Partner-Auditor Vaudit Auditores SLP

Jose Antonio Garcia
Teacher of subject: Excel for financiers
Expert Consultant in Digital Transformation, Business Intelligence, Productivity with Digital Tools.

Esther Nieto
Master's Professor in Financial Management, Accounting and Management Control
Director of Consulting Services at Altin Cash Management Solutions

Pedro Ferrero Bautista
Teacher of subject: Generation of densified liquid biofuels
Graduated in Chemistry from the University of Jaén. Master in Renewable Energies. Specialist in liquid biofuels

Miguel Angel Gallardo
Teacher of subject: Thermal Installations
Degree in electrical and electronic engineering. Expert in refrigeration and Mechanical Engineering. Comprehensive BIM Manager Training Plan. HVAC Project Manager

Alvaro Rebé
Teacher of subject: Energy efficiency
Degree in computer engineering and mechanical engineering. Development engineer at iMventa Ingenieros. Expert in energy efficiency and simulation

Daniel Perez
Teacher in the Master in Efficient Management of Renewable Energies
Graduate in Law and Political Sciences at the Autonomous University of Madrid | UNEF Vice President

Consuelo Alonso Alonso
Teacher in Master in Efficient Management of Renewable Energies
Head of Engineering and Construction Unit Wind Energy at Global Power Generation- Naturgy