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EIP International Business School signs an agreement with Harvard Business Publishing to certify its students in leadership and management skills

EIP includes the Harvard ManageMentor Leadership certification in leadership and management skills, issued by Harvard Business Publishing, in all its master's degrees.

EIP International Business School takes another step in continuous improvement of its training offer by signing an agreement with Harvard Business Publishing, an entity that makes accessible, to select training centers, official training materials in different digital formats: simulation, practical cases, video training, etc.

Specifically, EIP added certification leadership belonging to the content collection Harvard ManageMentor, a repository of educational content designed to transmit essential soft skills for business management to students.

Digital certification from Harvard Business Publishing, with blockchain technology

The certification leadership that EIP has included in its training consists of different badges that accredit key capabilities such as people management or decision making. A Once all the badges are obtained by passing each training pill, the certification is obtained Leadership from Harvard Business Publishing.

Each of these badges can be shared digitally through blockchain technology, ensuring their official issuance by Harvard Business Publishing and facilitates the dissemination of the achievement through tools such as LinkedIn or email with a 100% reliability.

Our network of educational partners, a key piece for the employability of our students

The HBP certification has incorporated the transversal subject of EIP Management Skills, which is present in all the School's master's degrees given its differentiating value in the personal brand and the curriculum of those who take it. In this way, students enjoy a training experience of an international nature and of recognized prestige, integrated naturally into the program of each master's degree.

 This agreement joins a long list of alliances with top-level educational partners who provide, together with the EIP teaching team, the skills and certifications necessary to obtain quality employment and access management positions. Amazon Web Services, Oracle, Microsoft or SAP are some of the institutions that complement the School's training through original teaching materials and official certifications.

This network of strategic agreements results in a common trait that characterizes the EIP students. Having studied at EIP means having learned first-hand from active professionals who occupy management positions in large companies, being aware of the latest technologies in your sector and knowing how to use them, and having key skills certified not only by EIP and its teaching team, but by its educational partners.

All this, added to the employment guarantee that characterizes and accompanies the EIP programs, makes the School one of the safest investments in terms of training.

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