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How to manage a brand's social networks

More and more brands are aware of the importance of social networks for your image, for sales and to be connected with your clients.

Today, almost no brand can afford not to have a presence, to a greater or lesser extent, on social networks, if not all, at least some. But It is not enough to be presentWe must also manage our social networks correctly so that they bear the desired results.

how to manage a brand's social networks

First steps

The first thing is choose the network or social networks in which our brand will be present. Chances are we don't need to be in all of them. Everything will depend on us target audiences. Knowing who we are addressing and knowing their tastes perfectly is vital in any communication strategy and of course also when choosing which networks to work with.

For example, if our audience is young or very young, our brand should be present on the networks that are most followed, such as Instagram or TikTok and it would not be highly recommended instead Linkedin.

Once we have chosen the social network (or networks) in which we are going to have a presence and created the company profile, we will have to manage that profile or profiles correctly or our work will have been of no use.

Organization and planning

When we manage several profiles on social networks it is vital to keep a order both in the publications that we are going to make and in the topics to be discussed. 

The first thing we must do is determine the publication frequency (if we are going to publish one day a week, three, or every day) and once this is done we will prepare a publication planning monthly or weekly. That is, we must create a excel sheet or of another type, with the topics that we are going to discuss in our publications day by day.

This work will help us vary the themes, will speed up our daily life and it will help our account to be coherent and tell the “story” about our brand that we want to tell.

organization and planning of social networks

Refering to periodicity Of the publications, each professional establishes their publication times and the hours in which they are going to publish, although there are tools that can help us know what are the best times of the day to publish. One thing is important, it must be faithful to timing that we choose and always publish on the same day and at the same time.

Most social networks value this very positively. constancy, as they also value that we are attentive to what happens on our networks: we must respond quickly to comments that they do to us in our profile. Be active on networks and interact with our followers It is what will give our brand the visibility we seek and work for.


Some tools most used in the management of social networks and that help us when scheduling our publications, choose untilg those to follow or monitor our networks So that we don't miss anything they are:

  • Buffer. In its automatic programming version buffer will decide the better hours, but not the best days. For Buffer, every day is a business day.
  • Hootsuite. This tool also programs the best hours, and it does so based on our own history.   
  • Twitonomy: Exclusive for Twitter, The tool gives us with mathematical precision what the best days and hours to publish based on our story from the last few weeks.

To know in depth how to manage a complete brand you must train with the Master in Financial Management, Accounting and Management Control in EIP, will train you to lead the comprehensive financial-fiscal management of the companies.

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