Programming and development

create lists in scaled python

Lists in Python


Maria Jose

Do you know how to create a list in Python? We explain what it is and how to create it, in addition to the list methods that exist. Forward!
how to make a game in scaled python

My first game in Python


Maria Jose

We explain how to make a game in Python. This game consists of guessing a random number in a maximum of 10 tries. Do not miss it!
create a calculator in python min scaled

Python 2.0 Calculator


Maria Jose

At EIP we continue learning how to create a calculator in Python. In this case, we see how to do them with functions for each operation. Forward!
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Python job offers for Big Data, Hacking and Machine Learning from June 4 to 11



At EIP we bring you the best job offers: Junior Python Programmer in Madrid, Pentester in Barcelona and more. Check it out!
how to make a function in scaled python

My First Function in Python


Maria Jose

From EIP we explain how to make a function in python and everything you need to know. Do you know functions with parameters? We explain it to you!
pandas library in scaled python

What is pandas and what is it used for in Python?


Maria Jose

Do you know the Pandas library in Python? From EIP we tell you what it is and what it is for so that you can learn more about it. Check it out!
how to make a calculator in python min scaled

Your first calculator in Python


Maria Jose

How to make a calculator in Python? We explain the steps you must follow and give you an example so you can make your first calculator. Do not miss it!
how to make a while loop in python featured image min scaled

While Loop in Python


Maria Jose

We explain how to make a While Loop in Python and how they work. So that it is understood in the best way, we explain it to you with examples!
how to calculate weight on mars scaled

How much do you weigh on Mars?


Maria Jose

How to calculate weight on Mars? María José Peña, Director of the Master in Programming Advances in Python, gives us the steps to calculate it.
basic operators in python featured image scaled

Basic operators in Python


Maria Jose

We explain the types of basic operators in Python and detail them. Assignment operators, arithmetic, and more. Do you know them? Visit us!

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