Update on infant care permits
Infant care permits On December 19, 2023, RDL 7/2023 was published in the BOE with the purpose, among... Read more
Infant care permits On December 19, 2023, RDL 7/2023 was published in the BOE with the purpose, among... Read more
Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 transposes, among others, the Directive (2019/1158) on the reconciliation of family life and professional life of parents and children... Read more
The temporary disability of the worker has always entailed a series of implications regarding the underlying employment relationship between company and person... Read more
In today's post we are going to break down, in broad strokes, the two "legal forms" that the Workers' Statute (ET) includes so that... Read more
Regulation The regulation of voluntary leave is briefly stated in article 46.2 of the Workers' Statute. It is a very… Read more
Therefore, as of April 1, 2023, in the first 365 days of the Temporary Disability (IT) processes, only one copy of the medical report of sick leave, confirmation or discharge will be delivered to the worker, eliminating the second copy and the obligation of the worker to deliver it to the company, managing entity or mutual insurance company.
This tax comes to “replace” the so-called “sustainability factor” which, although it was planned to be implemented in 2019, but never occurred. In this case, the sustainability factor would have linked the amount of the pension to the evolution of the life expectancy of the pensioners through a mathematical formula that considered the mortality tables of the pensioners with 67 years as a reference.
Regarding the content of the incentive regulation, the general objectives of the standard, within the framework of active employment policies, are: to promote the hiring of unemployed people, especially the most vulnerable, to contribute to job creation and encourage self-employment.
In previous posts we have explained how compensation for unfair dismissal is calculated, a mathematical calculation in which three are basically taken into account... Read more
In labor law we can say that there are two types of dismissals: disciplinary and objective (individual and collective), and both can be classified (administratively or judicially) as appropriate, inadmissible or void. Therefore, we must clearly differentiate between the type of dismissal and its qualification.
In this new post we are going to explain what the company has to do when it is notified that a worker has gone to prison. Can you extinguish… Read more
In labor law we can say that there are two types of dismissals: disciplinary dismissal and objective dismissal (individual and collective), and both… Read more