E-Renewables and Engineering and Building
Self-consumption modalities
Do you know well the types of self-consumption facilities defined by RD 244/2019, of April 5?
Variables to consider for measuring the wind resource
Antonio J.
The way the wind appears is complicated to predict because it depends on different global factors.
Wind resource measurement
Antonio J.
What is the origin of the wind? The Earth's atmosphere absorbs solar radiation irregularly due to various factors.
Types of self-consumption photovoltaic installations
Antonio J.
Self-consumption photovoltaic installations may belong to different groups
Regulation of electrical self-consumption
Antonio J.
The consumption by one or more consumers of electrical energy from production facilities close to the consumption facilities
Cavitation the formation of vapor or gas bubbles within a liquid caused by pressure variations experienced by the fluid
IFC Exchange Files
These swap files can resolve the different features of the project regardless of the software used
Control valves in air conditioning
Control valves in air conditioning include two types of three-way valves.
The photovoltaic effect
The behavior of a solar cell can be schematized by an equivalent electrical circuit.
They launch the first collective purchase of solar panels for self-consumption in Aragon
Antonio J.
Companies linked to the activity that promote collective purchases of self-consumption facilities have gained presence
- Renewable Storage: Energy 24/7
- Tidal and Wave Energy: The energy horizon in the ocean
- Decarbonizing construction: concrete and LEED certification
- Wind 4.0: Wind energy and digital transformation
- Sustainable heat: The potential of solar thermal energy in Spain
- Analysis of the solar resource in a photovoltaic installation project
- Sustainable Mobility: The future of transport in Europe and the world
- Energy 2.0: Digital technology in the renewable sector
- Introduction to BIM Automation
- Professional opportunities for the solar photovoltaic sector