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What are the hiring incentives?

On January 11, 2023, the Royal Decree Law 1/2023, of January 10, urgent measures regarding incentives for job hiring and improvement of social protection for artists.

Regarding the content of the incentive regulation, the general objectives of the standard, within the framework of active employment policies, are: to promote the hiring of unemployed people, especially the most vulnerable, to contribute to job creation and encourage self-employment.

  • The hiring incentives They focus on permanent contracts
  • The requirements of beneficiary companies are simplified and homogenized
  • For contracts financed by bonuses, it is established that the employer must keep the worker in a registered position for at least three years from the start of the incentivized contract.
  • In terms of Social Security bonuses, an amount is established for each full calendar month.
  • Bonuses are maintained for people with disabilities or victims of gender violence or sexual violence
  • Contracts linked to the conciliation throughout its duration
  • Bonuses for permanent hiring in Ceuta and Melilla are raised to 75%

Permanent contract

People with borderline intellectual capacity will have bonuses; women victims of gender violence, sexual violence and human trafficking; People in situations of social exclusion; long-term unemployed people; people of victims of terrorism; young people under 30 years of age with low qualifications; hiring of cooperative members.

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Training contracts

The alternation training contract will have a monthly bonus of 91 euros.

All those training and relief contracts that become permanent will have a bonus of 128 euros/month (men) and 147 euros/month (women).

For conciliation measures

Fixed-term contracts concluded with young unemployed people for certain replacements: 366 euros/month

In addition, bonuses will be applied to the contributions of substituted workers during situations of birth and care of a minor, risk during pregnancy, etc., with an amount of €360/month.

In cases of job change due to risk during pregnancy or breastfeeding, a bonus of 138 euros/month will be applied.


The working members of the cooperative societies included in the RETA are expressly included as beneficiaries of the quota bonus during the break for birth, adoption, custody for the purposes of adoption, foster care, risk during pregnancy or risk during breast-feeding.

Other bonuses

  • Readmission of workers after having left the company due to total or absolute permanent disability, or due to permanent disability: 138 euros/month for a period of 2 years, provided that the reinstatement does not respond to a right of the workers to return to the job.
  • Incorporation of working people as working or labor members to cooperatives and labor societies.
  • In general: 73 euros/month for 3 years.
  • Young people under 30 years of age, or people under 35 years of age who have a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%: 147 euros/month for the first year, and 73 euros/month for the remaining 2 years.
  • Transformation into fixed-discontinuous contracts of temporary contracts signed with employed agricultural workers (carried out between 1-9-2023 and 1-9-2025): 55 euros/month, or 73 euros/month in the case of women.
  • Companies in the sectors of tourism and commerce and hospitality that generate productive activity in the months of February, March and November of each year and that begin and/or maintain high employment during those months of workers with fixed-discontinuous contracts: 262 euros/month (during the months mentioned).

Obligation to reimburse aid from relocated companies

Companies that proceed to transfer their industrial, productive or business activity to territories that are not part of the Member States of the European Union or of the signatory States of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, must proceed to the return of all Social Security bonuses made during the four years immediately preceding the relocation, as well as subsidies received.

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Priority to full-time hiring

In the cases of part time hiring The amounts will be reduced proportionally depending on the established day. In any case, part-time work less than 50 percent of a worker's full-time work day is not encouraged, except in cases of conciliation permits.

Strengthening collective bargaining in employment matters

The role of the Collective negotiation regarding employment through this regulation, providing for the possibility of encouraging agreed measures that include improvement commitments or increase in employment. Likewise, the possibility of incorporating these agreements as a criterion in contracting in the public sector is recognized.

With some exceptions, the rule will come into force on September 1, 2023.

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