As we already told you in another post, Python has become the most popular language, being able to handle large amounts of data, its use for hacking or for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have elevated it to ehe podium of programming languages.
If you want to learn about programming with a language as well-known and in demand by companies as Python, you can do it with the Master in advanced programming in Python for Hacking, Big Data and Machine Learning, and you will become a highly qualified professional.
Today we also show you how lightweight it is compared to other languages such as C++ or Java. What in other languages would translate into dozens of lines of code, Python reduces it to a minimum, positioning itself as the preferred language for many programmers for its simplicity and for the savings in keystrokes and time that it entails.
Python vs C++ vs Java
As we can see in the screenshots, Python wins by a landslide in terms of simplicity and cleanliness refers, being very light to the just use two lines of code to do the same thing your competition does, C++ and Java, with many more.