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Do we know how to formulate our objectives well?

I wonder if it really we know how to formulate well the objectives we set for ourselves, the important thing is not to set many objectives, but that they are of quality, for this they must be well identified.

This formulation serves us equally well to set “personal” and “professional” goals. I encourage you to try it in your personal development, and then implement it at work.

There is more and more talk about it, but surely not everyone knows what they mean and why they have to be formulated like this, but this is really the key "Identifying and clearly formulating your objective can lead you to achieve it no matter how difficult it may be for you.”, surely there are no “bad” or “good” objectives, but there is a good identification of it.

He success or failure you may be in formulating SMART Plus Goals (++): This is the English acronym that tells us the meaning of each of the letters and the conditions that our objective should meet when we formulate it, so that they are considered efficient, effective and lead us to achieve it.

Formulate objectives

The “S” for Specific

It means that our objective must be formulated precisely, we must “concrete” and determine what we want to achieve and not make ambiguous, broad, or overly complicated statements, an example of ambiguity.I want to do more sports this year” “I want to study more…”

The “M” for Measureable

The objective must be able to be “measured” and/or “evaluated”, that is to say that when I formulate it there must be something that gives me the measure of what I consider success., For example, “do sports 4 days a week”, or “deliver the 95% of my work within the established dates”.

The “A” – Achievable

The goal we set must be realistic and achievable for us; we cannot set a goal that is totally out of our reach, because that could demotivate us and at the first opportunity we might abandon it. It should be ambitious enough to be attractive and motivate us, but not take it out of our control, because that would lead us to become frustrated and probably abandon it at the first opportunity, for example, “"I can't think of doing a kill in 1 or 2 months, if I haven't prepared myself or I'm not used to running."

Formulate Our Objectives

The “R” for Challenger

To think about achieving an Objective we must have “Excitement” to achieve it, that is attractive to us and that takes us to a point of emotion, but whenever it is possible to achieve it for us, without that illusion or challenge, failure can come to us, only the illusion can make us maintain it.

The “T” for time

It is very important to frame our objective within a time frame, we must delimit it in time, if we do not do so we run the risk of leaving it open and never finishing it, for example, “During the first quarter of the year, I want to send my CV to the 30 companies in the service sector.”

If we are able to apply this “formula” to our objective, we have many guarantees of achieving it, because minimizing it will allow us to have it defined precisely, to be able to follow it exhaustively, to know if we are doing it well and if we will reach the set time. for it. Besides all this, we can make it much more stimulating with a PLUS to our objective and it is thinking about something that really “Excite and Stimulate” and think about the “Reward” to get it.

I am aware that saying this it seems easy to set “SMART Plus +” goals, but it is not, we need to think about them, land them, even share them with other people around us to know whether to pass the SMART filter, only then will we make them ambitious and challenging.

Would you like to try formulating a SMART goal? Try it and see for yourself whether this tool is useful to you or not.

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