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Successful personal interviews

September is a month in which many companies traditionally incorporate staff after a work break in the summer, in which many offices seem to remain in a state of stand-by, operating at half throttle. With the symbolic start of the year that begins in September, there is an uptick in work in companies where it is common for personnel to be incorporated to manage new projects that are born.

To formalize the incorporations, the applications go through the selection processes feared by many candidates. Calm! Today we bring you the keys to achieving successful personal interviews.

Pay attention to the following 3 aspects to take into account before attending an interview:

  1. Learn to present yourself professionally.

It is common for the person conducting the interview to begin by asking you to introduce yourself. This question is focused on seeing how you express yourself, they want to know your aspirations, they expect to hear terminology related to the job, they want you to briefly summarize your academic career, professional if not. there is and what goals you pursue.

2. Know the company you are interviewing for.

The CV is a personal document in which you make yourself known to a company, but what about you? What do you know about that company? Read their website, follow their social networks, look for active job offers and analyze that information to find out what activity they carry out. It is very useful that you follow personnel who work in that company on professional social networks such as LinkedIn and interact with their publications, it will provide you with information about the company's work philosophy.

3. Why are you interested in that job?

Let the person conducting the interview know the reasons that lead you to want to occupy that job position. Why is that your ideal job? What skills make you the best person to fill that position?

You may also be interested in the importance of non-verbal language in interviews that we addressed in a previous post:

In addition, we bring you 5 key questions that you should prepare so that you are not caught by surprise!

What are your strenghts and weaknesses?

Don't lie, prepare this question honestly by highlighting your virtues adapted to the job, as well as those areas for improvement that you have identified. That will say a lot about you, presenting you as a responsible person who takes control of himself/herself.

Do you prefer to work individually or in a team?

Companies look for employees who adapt to changing work environments, in which they work both in teams and individually. Surely you will find a way to feel comfortable in both cases.

What professional achievement are you proud of?

You are asked to do a reflection exercise in which you analyze your professional merits. Don't you have professional experience? It's okay, don't go blank, look for something that you feel especially satisfied with in your academic or personal career and highlight the skills you draw from that experience.

Why did you end working at your previous company?

If you have been working in a company before, what are the reasons why you no longer work there? Sincerity and maturity are expected from this question, you don't want to hear non-constructive criticism, if you didn't like something or it didn't seem right to you, you don't have to hide it, just let it be known in a mature and professional way.

If you have not worked for any company, this question may be rephrased as follows: Have you ever had a conflict in any teamwork in the academic or personal field? The response must be along the same lines, conflicts are part of life and we do not have to hide them, it is about knowing how they are managed and learning from them.

How much do you want to charge?

Talking about economic issues is violent and uncomfortable for many people, however, all people work to earn money, which is why it should be an essential factor to discuss in an interview. If you are clear about how much you want to charge and it is a non-negotiable term for you, this is the time to let it be known. We recommend that you always move within a salary band.

If for you the economic aspect is not essential or you are not clear about what remuneration is generated from the work you are going to do, do not worry, the answer is very simple, since companies are governed by labor agreements that regulate the minimum salaries that workers They must charge, so the response can be directed in that sense and it will not be a problem for you.

Extra! Extra! We give you one more tip, you should always have a final question prepared, is there something you need to know and it is not clear to you? At the end of the interview is the time to ask it. Can't think of anything to ask about? We give you some ideas: Do you have summer hours? Is there flexibility in the schedule? What is the work environment like at the company? How many people make up the work team?

If you are interested in training and developing professionally in the wonderful world of human resources, you can find out about our Master in HR: People Management, Talent Development and Labor Management.

Labor advisor at Asinte International Advisory Office

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