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Inbound Recruitment

The way to look for a job has changed, but companies' strategy to find it remains the same: post offers on job portals and pray that good candidates arrive or go to LinkedIn and cold contact candidates hoping to close a call. 

This does not work. 

Candidates have more decision-making power than ever and are looking for more than just a salary. They seek to feel fulfilled and be happy in their work, which is why they find out about the company before signing up for an offer. 

What is Inbound Recruiting? 

In a sentence, it is apply the same principles that we apply in terms of Marketing and Sales, but in attracting talent

Our client or potential client are the people we want to attract to work in our company. Our product is working in our company, and specifically, the position we are offering and the purchasing process is the entire selection process. 

The candidate has become the "client" of HR and our product compared to the competition, it is how attractive our company is to work there, that is, our Employer Branding. 

How to start applying Inbound Recruiting? 

Our goal is to get clients (candidates) who want or want our product (to work in our company), and once they buy it they are satisfied and repeat (they stay happy in our company). 

Today we are going to explain to you the 6 first steps to apply Inbound Recruiting:

  • Define your candidate persona: you have to be clear about who and how the person you want to "buy" from you or attract to your job offers: because this person wants to change jobs, which is what they value most about your company, their job, from their colleagues... This way we will know that we have to explain and value all the good things that our company has for this person. 
  • Employment page: Once we know what the people we want to attract value, we have to create content to be able to explain the benefits of working with us, our values, our company purpose, what day-to-day life is like and how we work, employee stories, all accompanied by videos, photos and everything that helps the person who is analyzing our company to come to work, so that they imagine themselves working there and want to work in our company. 
  • Job vacancies: Job offers are the pages where you sell your product. Therefore, keeping in mind the candidate person that we want to attract, write the offer so that it is relevant to him, and do not just explain what he is going to do and the requirements; Start by selling them all the benefits of that position and your company. Why it should work with you. 
  • Social networks: Once we have our employment page and the offers, with video content, and stories to tell, the objective is to make it known as much as possible on the channels that our potential candidate is found. One of the ways to reach it is through social networks. Share this content on your social networks and ask your employees to share it, etc. 
  • Talent Community: On many occasions the selection process ends with the hiring of a single person, but the rest are still in your database. When you open a new position, the first thing you should do is search your database and send a TOP email to candidates who match your criteria inviting them to sign up or refer someone.
  • Brand ambassadors: The best way to promote any service is word of mouth from its users. Your employees are the ambassadors of your brand and those who best know your company culture. Additionally, people trust what an employee tells them more than management or HR. If we achieve this, we will achieve the most important thing: that the Inbound Recruiting wheel continues to spin.

So, are you ready to change the way you recruit and adapt to this new reality? 

Now there is no excuse, start apply Inbound Recruiting to improve your recruiting strategy. 

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