After the Covid 19 pandemic, the Job interviews have lived a huge transformation. Most of them have started to be carried out digitally, remotely.
It was already common before the pandemic that part of the process could be done remotely, mainly in previous phases of the selection process. However, in the times we live in, The online interview has become, without a doubt, one of the best options.
A priori it may seem that the digital format has limitations that can harm us in the selection process, however, the advantages are so broad that the HR staff has specialized to make up for the possible shortcomings that we find in a digital selection process.
What keys should you take into account so that your online interview goes smoothly?
We tell you the 3 fundamental points!
1. Prepare the technical part of the interview.
- Possibly the person who is going to interview you will suggest the technical means through which they conduct the interviews. Could be Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, the company's own platform... Spend time getting to know that tool beforehand., do a test with friends or family to make sure you know the digital environment of that medium.
- The equipment with which you make the connection, it is best to carry out the interview with a computer, since the image and sound quality will be much better. Try to ensure the possibility of having this means; if you do not have a computer at home, ask your friends and family if someone has the possibility of giving you a computer for the online interview.. Don't forget to test it first to make sure you know how it works.
In case you do not have the possibility of having a computer and you have to use a mobile device or tablet, do a test to know where to place the device in a fixed place so as not to have it in your hand and avoid the continuous movement of the device that that causes.
2. Prepare the interview space.
- The place where you do the online interview has to be as neutral as possible. If you have the possibility of doing the interview online in a place with a white background, it is best. If this is not possible, try to make the background seen by the person conducting the interview be neutral, for example a place with a bookshelf, some furniture where personal belongings cannot be seen, a plant... Try to make it as pleasant as possible, avoiding a messy space at all times.
- The lighting of the place where you conduct the interview must be adequate, By allowing us to see you clearly, we will thus fix the damage of the interview not being in person, allowing the person conducting the online interview to see us properly.
- Finally, the place where we carry out the online interview must be a quiet spaceIf there are windows that generate noise, it is best to close them, and if there are elements that could disturb us, we will remove them from the room, such as a landline, mobile phone or clocks that ring.
3. Take care of your image.
- Dress the same way you would for an in-person interview. Choose clothing that is appropriate for the job you are applying for and dress completely, regardless of whether only the top part is visible. The situation may arise that you have to get up and it would not look good if the bottom part was informal.
- If you usually wear makeup or perfume or do your hair in some special way, do it anyway. It is proven that our attitude is enhanced when we feel good about ourselves, so wear perfume, wear a watch or the accessories you would wear for a face-to-face interview. Always with the premise that discretion in job interviews is a plus.
- The camera should focus on you from the front, at eye level, and your bust should be visible on your screen.. Make sure the image is centered and prevent objects around you from appearing on the screen. If you have papers with notes, try not to let them be seen and avoid reading them directly. You can have notes that remind you of questions you want to ask or important information that you don't want to forget during the interview.
Extra! Some extra tips that will be useful:
- Be punctual, connect a few minutes before the indicated time to check the microphone again, center the camera, check the audio and be present at the start time of the interview, avoiding delays.
- Say hello when you connect and listen to your interlocutor. It is important that you pay attention and avoid speaking thinking that they are not listening to you.
- Answer the questions they ask you in the interview in a clear and concise manner, You can give practical examples to explain your answer, but avoid going around the bush.
- Watch your language, avoid being too informal, but speak naturally, there is no need to try to use a language that you are not used to speaking.
- Also take care of non-verbal language. Even though the interview is online, the person who is interviewing you will be attentive to your gestures, how you gesture and express yourself gives a lot of information about you, so take care of the gestures you have during the interview.
- Be natural, the purpose of the interview is to get to know you, so there is no better advice than to act naturally in the online interview. Have confidence in yourself!
- Say goodbye appropriately, always remaining available to your interlocutor to expand information or provide the documentation they consider appropriate
- And lastly, make sure the video conference is over before you get up and speak. Have we ever heard a final phrase of... oh how nervous I have been! when the person interviewed thought they were no longer connected 😉
Much success!
If you are interested in training and in the field of human resources and learn more about selection processes and job interviews, you can find out about our Master in HR: People Management, Talent Development and Labor Management.
There is a detail that is very important to me, use a good microphone, if you don't hear it well, the room echoes or the interviewer is interrupted, the interviewer will lose all interest and will stop asking questions to finish the interview quickly, and it won't matter what appearance you have and be the best technically.