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Active job search and the cloak of invisibility

Have you ever been actively searching for a job? If so, have you ever felt invisible? Many times, Candidates feel as if they have a cloak of invisibility that they cannot remove, as if a spell had fallen on them. If you've ever been to this point: Don't worry, it doesn't last forever.

active job search and the cloak of invisibility

It is true that every day companies are more globalized and more computerized. In this way, the number of resumes that they can receive at the click of a button, through different job portals or their own website, are thousands and thousands. Thus, they make use of candidate tracking software, which allows them Use filters to select the right person.

Keys when presenting your job application

Although we are not going to enter into a debate on the effectiveness of this mechanism (If you are interested in this debate, I recommend you follow our profile on LinkedIn), at EIP we want you to not be left out of these filters. Next, we will give you some keys so that they do not discard you without not even having read your application:

  • Customize the resume depending on the offer in which you apply for the job. For example, if a company asks for experience in SAP, and you have used this program, don't forget to include it. The usual thing is that in some section of the program you can filter by knowledge. It is your opportunity to enter this first selection.
  • Be careful with abbreviations. If possible, write the complete words or the same ones used in the job description.
  • Actively track the offer by entering the platform from where you applied for the job. If the process stops (which is very common), when it resumes it may be that one of the filters used is by date of ”last connection on the platform” or “last update”. This helps recruiters know if the candidate is still actively searching.
  • Enter the location of the place where you apply for the job. Oddly enough, many programs can be automated so that resumes from other cities are discarded.
  • Lastly, and almost most importantly: Take advantage of the Masters! It is fortunate to be able to have training that also helps the student to enter the labor market. From the recruiters' point of view, receiving student recommendations from business school professionals makes selection much easier for us. Is a great opportunity to skip all the filters of any selection program.

Don't let it escape! Specialize in one of our Masters EIP International Business School and enter the world of work as soon as possible.

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