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Seven things an accountant can do after the holidays

The month of September marks the return to work for the majority of Spaniards. In this post we review the “obligations” of any accounting professional.


  • Good planning is the key to successfully overcome the call postvacational syndrome
  • Important: do not forget to check your email carefully in case you have received notifications from the Tax Agency


The days are getting shorter and shorter; not only because of the sun that sets earlier, but because in the last days of vacation From the accountant's point of view, the clock seems to accelerate its rhythm and the hours seem to decrease just like the hours of light. The holidays are over for accountants, many of whom will have enjoyed a few days off in August.

The job awaits not only for those who fortunately have it, and have not had the unpleasant surprise of receiving a burofax notifying the dismissal during their vacation, but also for those who dedicate themselves to Active job search and who have pinned their hopes on return to activity in September, a good month to find work in accounting tasks, as companies have completed an accounting cycle with the presentation of annual accounts and Corporation Tax last July.

The return to work begins before returning to the office, since on the way there we can dedicate some time to plan our reentry, otherwise we have done it before. Some of the things that accountants can do when they return from vacation are the following:


1.Hold a brief meeting with superiors and collaborators

It is important Find out about the status of tasks if other colleagues have replaced you during your vacation and find out if there is any important issue that requires immediate attention according to your superiors or subordinates. It is recommended that these meetings be brief and concise, since surely, during the holidays, the workload has accumulated and every minute is valuable to catch up as soon as possible.


2.What the boss orders

Whether you are an accountant, head of administration or financial director, all of them are under the orders of a superior, who can disrupt any planning with urgent tasks. In this sense, it is convenient try to specify dates of completion of these tasks and try to leave time for the most important ones.


3.Prioritize what is important and urgent

Attempt delegate if possible what is urgent and not important. Not everything urgent is important. In relation to what is important and not urgent, certain hours can be set during the following days. Likewise, it is advisable to try to eliminate tasks that are not urgent and important. According to the Lean philosophy, these tasks can be waste and do not add value.


4.Above all, stay calm

If a lot of workload has accumulated, spend some time classify and prioritize tasks. It is advisable to keep the clear and tidy workspace, so if tasks are categorized and paperwork sorted, they can be done much faster when they are tackled. During the first few days you may remember your vacation, think better about the upcoming ones, and catch up on your work as soon as possible.


5.Attention to the treasury

It is advisable to check that there has been no deviation from the treasury forecasts with returns of receipts or promissory notes or improper charges. In the event that any commercial item is returned, it is advisable to initiate the claim as soon as possible. During holiday periods there may be more returns than usual.


6.Check your email inbox

If the volume of emails is high, it is advisable to open only those that seem most important due to their sender and subject. Do not make the mistake of prioritizing matters that are neither urgent nor important, in order to try manage all pending emails.


7.Check if there are notifications from the Tax Agency

If they have not been requested courtesy days for shipping of notifications from the Tax Agency, it is important to check this mailbox and open them within the delivery period. It is important to open them, but they do not have to be processed immediately if you are within the deadline to answer them.


And don't forget that laziness will always be your worst enemy. A positive attitude and good organization will make your return to work much more bearable.


Fountain: SAGE

Academic Coordinator Financial-Fiscal Area - EIP eLearning training coordinator at MAINFOR - Technological and Educational Innovation

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