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Do you know what Advantages SAGE 50c presents compared to ContaPlus?

Sage50c: Evolution of the Database Engine

The first thing you should know is that Sage50c was called to be the evolution in a single program of the solutions offered by ContaPlus and FacturaPlus, It is no coincidence that there is a specific process to migrate data from ContaPlus and FacturaPlus.

One of the factors that has most influenced this evolution to Sage50c has been the change in the database management system. xbase to the powerful SQLserver database engine. This change has made it possible to materialize multiple operational advantages:

  • Reports.
  • Automation.
  • Data import.
  • Control.
  • Connectivity.
  • Storage of information in the nine.

But... what advantages does all this entail?


Everyone who has used ContaPlus knows the processes to release users or companies, to organize files or purify data. Within Sage50 We can verify that we do not have these processes and this happens precisely due to the use of SQL, which is more secure and stable while maintaining the integrity of the data.

2nd Advantage: AGILITY

Not only has it meant an improvement in the security of our data, but also greater agility in their treatment since it can support critical workloads, optimizing the use of system resources, which has allowed the modification of a large part of the operations of ContaPlus to a way of working more focused on configuration and automation. These advantages are also reflected in the visualization of reports and their analytical treatment.

3rd Advantage: CONNECTIVITY

Another feature worth highlighting within SAGE 50 is its connectivity since comes integrated with Office 365 that allows you to save backup copies and share documents on onedrive, mark events on the calendar Outlook and connect via skype. Connects with Facebook and Twitter and allows connection with Prestashop for online sales. Another connection implemented is the one that can be made with Sage mobile applications, allowing you to consult information, modify it or create it as Sage 50cloud Capture from where we can record transactions and electronically save documents.


«SAGE 50c is oriented to the current context of a world with a greater number of transactions»


It seems objective to state that Sage 50c has been, in fact, an evolution of the solutions offered by Contaplus oriented to the current context of a world with a greater number of transactions, more dynamic and more connected where customizable applications with automated functions and great interconnectivity are required.

It is for all this that within the Master in Financial Management of the EIP International Business School, we work the accounting, taxation, commercial obligations and company finances through practical cases developed with SAGE 50, allowing you to acquire the skills required in all companies from a professional point of view and mastery of management software. What are you waiting for? Are you ready for the change? Request information about our training programs here. We will wait for you!

Author: Raul Ruiz Arias. Academic Director of EIP. Passionate about Business Management and Accounting.

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